Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

  1. I do not think the project completely represents my work as a student. The pictures were supposed to be inspired by the photographer Irving Penn. Therefore, I felt that the pictures did not reflect as much of my own style as it could have been. For example, most of Penn's pictures were taken with a simple background. Were I able to take pictures freely, I would have liked to explore different areas and backgrounds.
  2. My understanding of photography has definitely grown throughout the school year. In the beginning of the year, I was more worried about taking the "right" photos. Now, I know that there are no "right" photos. It is more about just capturing what you see in front of you. However, it does not necessarily take just one or two pictures to do just that, as I previously believed. Sometimes, it means taking numerous photos before you can finally pick the one that you feel speaks out the most. 
  3. Working in a group definitely has some advantages. You are able to get input from peers, as well as inspiration. While the pictures I took in the project were mainly inspired by Irving Penn, I was able to collaborate ideas with my friends. For example, we had the idea to hold up a sheet of black paper to use as our simple backgrounds. 
  4. Sometimes, working with a group can also disrupt your own creativity. While it is good to be inspired by peers, one might end up copying others' images rather than using them as inspiration. While working on the project, I remembered feeling anxious yet determined to make sure that my photos were not too similar from those of the rest of my group. I wanted my pictures to be my own.
  5. Looking back at my project, I think I would have liked to make my photos more refreshing. While Penn's pictures are mostly black and white and portraits are taken in front of plain walls, I still feel there is a way to make the images stand out and pop. I want to explore that. Even though the pictures are supposed to be inspired by Penn, I would want to somehow show more creativity in my images. 

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